Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions

Please read these terms of use carefully before you use our site. In these terms of use a number of conditions , customs and legal matters are settled . If you disagree with one or more parts of this site, you must not use this website . As to be adjusted , the content of our web site and terms of use periodically , we advise you to consult it regularly so you 're on the current state of affairs informed.

On this site , the following terms apply . By accessing this website you agree to be bound by our terms of use . Each time you access this site , you accept the applicability of these conditions.
At any time and without prior notice , we reserve the right to change the design of this site to bring in these terms of use or access to the Site substantive changes to limit or terminate . All this to our own understanding and relevance .
We make no representations or warranties that the content of this site is available useful or relevant . Its use at your own risk .

Intellectual property
All images, databases, photographs , graphics data , sounds , materials , trademarks, software , text, packaging , products , videos and animations , as well as compilations thereof , are owned by Dino Trading BV or are used with permission of the relevant owner .
The content of this website may not be copied , distributed , changed or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes .

Dino Trading BV is the biggest concern this site together and try to keep it as reliable and up to date as possible . Despite all care may still be inaccurate and incomplete, and therefore we can not guarantee that the information on the site at all times complete and accurate . For this, we can not be held liable. In no event will we be liable for any direct or indirect damages in connection with this website or arising from the use or inability to use this website . We also guarantee that our electronic messages are free of viruses or harmful elements .
All information and materials that you submit to us through this website or linked , will immediately become the property of Dino Trading BV and will be treated as non-confidential . You guarantee that its use will not infringe on our rights of third parties . We are free to release the information and materials to be used at their discretion or edit without any obligation as a there .

Availability of products or services
References on the site to products or services do not constitute an offer for the sale or delivery of the product or service . You should ask about the availability or suitability . Detailed advice from us before purchasing a product or service

Linked sites (hyperlinks )
It may be that references are made to other websites ( hyperlinks ) that may be of interest to you on this site. These sites are not under the control of Dino Trading BV and Dino Trading BV is not responsible or liable for the content thereof. All damages arising therefrom shall be resolutely rejected by Dino Trading BV . Dino Trading BV hereby expressly declares that at that time there was to be seen at the time of reference to these sites no illegal content on these sites and Dino Trading BV can not vouch for the current and future content of these sites .

Site Security
The secure section of our site is secured with a username and password . These will be communicated to you once , and you must keep these things. Well and separated We accept no liability for damage caused by its loss . You should be able to prevent unauthorized access or use your login and password . Use at all times You accept automatically by entering username and password integral to our Terms and Conditions , which also apply to all business transactions .
In case of discrepancies prevail our Terms and Conditions .

The only information we collect when you visit our site , the address of your computer , the pages you visit , the dates and times at which this happens and the browser ( including the type and version ) you are using. This information is only used to manage our website and for further development.
The personal information that you send to us via this website maintained by us and only used to process your orders and to improve our services. , And the contents of this website Your information will not be sold to third parties.

You agree that Dutch law applies and that the court in ' s- Hertogenbosch has exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising , related or related to the use and contents of this site . The Dutch text of these terms of use shall be binding .

Dinotrading b.v.
Lange Amerikaweg 73
7332 BP  Apeldoorn
Tel         : +31555423222
Mail       : info@dinotoys.nl
KVK       : 09091513
VAT NR : NL804.837.429.B01

This site is owned by :
Dino Trading bv
Lange Amerikaweg 73
KVK       : 09091513
VAT NR : NL804.837.429.B01

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